THA is introducing rental vouchers to units in all areas. Vouchers represent rental assistance and protect tenants from rent increase. All tenants will pay 30% of their income toward rent and voucher pays the difference. Units are being selected for PBV based on the income for those units. PBV does have income limits in order to qualify for a Voucher. Belmont Housing is the THA business partner and will assist us in managing PBV units and applicant flow.

Units will be provided to Belmont for inspection and the unit must pass inspection in order to qualify for a PBV. THA is reviewing Gibson and Hinds street units. We also are currently using an outside contractor to correct any deficiency found during the Belmont Inspection. Our primary goal is to insure any Health and Safety issue is resolved, and, to get the apartment to pass inspection to secure rental assistance for that Unit. Beginning the week of June 1st, Belmont will be conducting new inspections and some re-inspections. If your unit has not yet been inspected by Belmont, please understand we are working between both Gibson and Hinds apartments in order to find qualifying apartments up to the 125 PBV’s we currently have. It is our expectation to have all needed inspections completed, defects corrected and PBV’s in place by December 2023. As of 01/01/2024 THA implemented 104 PBV’s on the property, helping families through this rent subsidy program.

If you have questions on this process, it is highly recomended you call our office and speak to the Manager Dale Kokanovich as he is the one creating the schedule for all of these activities and is the most knowledgable on this process.

We do appreciate your patience with this (new to us) process and our need to come into your apartments to inspect and correct defects.

December 2023 Update – All PBV inspections and corrections are complete for this round of Vouchers. All PBV apartments have been identified and upcoming meetings with Belmont are being scheduled. Tenants will contacted directly for the date and time of each meeting. As NYS offers more funding for additional PBV’s, THA will let tenants know.

June 2024 Update – NYS has not planned / budgeted for additional vouchers at this time. Vouchers are driven by NYS Budget and no new money was allocated to Housing Vouchers at this time.

October 2024 Update – No further funding for additional PBV’s are available at this time from NYS. THA will monitor the process with NYS and apply for more vouchers when they become available.

January 2025 Update – NYS currently is not issuing new or additional Vouchers. If this changes, THA will apply for Vouchers.

2024 Fair Market Rent/ HUD Section 8 Income Limit (Erie and Niagara Counties)